Friday, December 27, 2019

Adding the #8216;Human Touch#8217; to Your Job Search

Adding the 8216Human Touch8217 to Your Job Search Adding the 8216Human Touch8217 to Your Job Search Your whole career path will be full of emotions that run the gamut from celebratory toan almost grievous sense of loss. While you may have a support group in the form of family and friends, these well-meaning loved ones may not necessarily understand what it is like to be in your shoes, nor do they have the acumen to point you in the right direction.A Career MachineThe Internet is full of information about careers, and this information isbeneficial to a certain degree, butmuch of it is not in touch with the human side of working and career development. Instead, this self-serve content is essentially pre-packaged, and itcaters to a generic audience. It is not personalized in any way thatactually reflects your individual needs, skill platzset, and career aspirations.This one-size-fits-all career advicemay be useful incertain situations, but when you are in the midst of the roller coast er of emotions that comes withcareer transitions and job searches, you really could use something more. You need to be supported by a professional.The Hard and Soft ApproachAcareer expert, like a career advisor, can offer that human-touch experience you need in these times. A career advisor can helpyou weather the storms of your career, condition you to go the distance, and is there to toast your success when it all works out.A career advisor can deliver the hard and soft approach, based on what each individual needs and what will best serve their career goals. They act almost like sports coaches, deliveringguidance through theright doses of listening and sympathy, encouragement and tough love, and objective advice and actionable tasks.A career advisor knows that each person has a different set of strengths and weaknesses that require a unique strategy plus, they have often worked with a range of personalities and seen a variety of career experiences, so they know how to make each personfeel like they are understood and accepted.The Benefits of a Human ConnectionThis personalized approach is especially reassuring if you are second-guessing yourself or if you lackthe confidence you need after facing some career hardship, like being unemployed for a period of time.Personal assistance from a career advisormay also help you feel as though you are accomplishing more. In a search that previously felt one-sided, you now have a guide you now have a listening ear, a supportive shoulder, and whole body and mind to help you get to the most appropriate destination youre seeking.A career coach will certainly offer understanding and emotional support when a client is nervous about a job interview or apprehensive about changing career paths, but this coach is also there to help you buck-up, and will be firm and offer constructive criticism when it is necessary.In order to best serve your needs and provide the human connection that helps smooth the bumps in yourcareer road, a career coach should takethe time to get to know you as a person.Its about building a relationship, really, and taking the journey with you thats what often sets a career coach apartfrom any other source of career assistance.In fact, a career coach can often do muchmore than just sit next to you on that rollercoaster and figuratively hold your hand a career coach gets you off the emotional ride and helps you gainstrategic focus, showing you where you need to go and what you need to do in order to achieve your career goals.What You Want in a Career CoachIf youre looking for a career coach, you want someone who understands you personally and who is passionate about helping you succeed. You want to havesomeone on board who understands not only the emotions involved inyour career journey, but also the practical objective steps you need to take to reach your goals.Your perfect career coach shouldget you even more than you getyourself.While the Internet offers detached, often pre-packa ged advice, and your friends and family feel for you, it is acareer coach that can feel for you, offer truly personal advice, and give you a kick in the pants when you need it most.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Recruits of the Big Green Book

The Recruits of the Big Green BookThe Recruits of the Big Green BookThomas Publishing, best known for its Big Green Books, no longer prints a book. That means hiring a different type of employee and a new way to approach recruiting.Thomas Publishing is best known for its Big Green Books the directories and buying guides of suppliers, vendors and service providers in just about every industry imaginable.Thomas published the books through two world wars, the Great Depression and the peaks and valleys of innumerable business cycles. But as with most of the publishing industry, the shift from print to the online, globally connected space has left its mark on the Big Green Books, the last of which was printed in 2005. The company now produces the saatkorn directories, but solely for online users.This adjustment - which is threatening many job seekers and a big chunk of the American workforce - wasnt just a challenge for the companys print-centric leadership it meant the human resurces department needed to recruit a new breed of employees and leaders.When the paradigm shifted from print to the Web, at first it was very difficult to fill open positions, said HR Manager Susan Meltzer. But over the last few years, its gotten easier as the older generation of editorial, marketing and sales workers has gotten comfortable with the Web format, with the technology.Generation X and younger workers, too, are making the search, recruitment and hiring process even easier, since most have grown up using Web-based technology and implicitly understand the new paradigm of the Web, she said, including how best to organize and present information clearly on the Web, and palatably to the audience.Editorial hires have to have technical expertise in Web content delivery, she said. They have to know how to work with various Web publishing technologies as well as have the editorial skills to convey and organize information - to translate and elucidate a huge volume of information in a way that makes most sense for ur clients, she said.On the Web, that usually means distilling information into a size and format suitable for Web sites, meaning more concise articles as well as ones that pay particular attention to keywords, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, she said.The most difficult hires are those Meltzer makes in the sales department, she said. Candidates must have excellent sales and marketing skills, of course, but must also have a background in publishing and be familiar with the online space and Web-based technology, SEO and SEM. They must also understand how to present and close what can be a complex solution.We have a number of online marketing and online sales solutions, she said, as well as our editorial content across our four business units. We serve both the buyer and the seller, and thus far weve been enormously successful in bringing them together.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Advantages of Going to Law School Later in Life

Advantages of Going to Law School Later in LifeAdvantages of Going to Law School Later in LifeMaybe youve been considering lost opportunities in your youth, remembering how you always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. You finished college and life happened. Maybe you started raising a family, but one thing led to another and you never got around to continuing your education. Is it too late? Are you ever too old for law school? Many would tell you no. As the economy continues to struggle- and it will always continue to have its ups and downs- more people are going to law school later in life. A growing number of law students are in their forties and some are even older. Youre never too old to return to any school. Many older students find legal employmentand older law school graduates have been recruited into all legal sectors. Starting- or going back to- school later in life presents unique advantages and disadvantages. If you think youre too old for law school, consider these advantages of going back to school for a graduate degree later in life. Flexible Educational Options Older workers tend to have other major commitments, such as full-time jobsand raising their families. This can make going to law school a real challenge. But it doesnt have to be. More options exist today for older students than ever before. Many law schools offer evening programs and part-time programs. Online learning is exploding and more and more educational institutions are offering this option. Work Experience Older students bring other talents to the table than just what theyve learned in school. Theyve often developed a diverse range of transferable skills from their earlier careers. Many law firms and organizations value this previous work experience. You dont have to write it off. Include it in your resume and mention it in your cover letters. For example, employers will often choose the candidate with 15 years experience in the engineering field over a recent law school grad with no work experience when weighing applicants for a job as anintellectual property lawyer, Life Experience Counts, Too Law schools seek variety in their incoming classes and your life experience can give you an edge in the admissions process. Life experience is often appreciated by employers as well. If you have experience that relates to the job youre seeking, be sure to highlight it in networking discussions and job interviews. Benefits of Maturity Research shows that employers view older workers as more mature, reliable, stable, honest, and committed. Older graduates are more focused and grounded. They know what they want in a career and from an employer. Maturity can be an advantage in both the law school admissions process and in a post-graduate job hunt. Older workers are less likely to struggle with waking up at the crack of dawn to commute to work, and theyre usually less inclined to challenge established dress codes by wearing short skirts, revealing clothes, or other inappropriate attire. They might also be more reliable and responsible simply because they know their families depend on them. All these factors can tip the sale in your favor when youre applying to law school and after youve earned your degree and passed the bar. Dont automatically write off going to law school without giving it some serious thought.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Special Agent - Career Information

Special Agent - Career InformationSpecial Agent - Career InformationA special agent, sometimes called a detective or criminal investigator, gathers facts and collects evidenceto determine if there have been violations of local, state, or federal laws. One may specialize in a particular type of crime. For example, a special agentmay investigate fraudulent online activity, homicides, or burglaries. Quick Facts In 2016, special agents earned azentralwert annual salaryof $78,120.There were 119,000 people employed in this field in 2014 (U.S.).They worked for local and state law enforcement agencies as well as federal law enforcement agencies like theU.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) and the U.S. Bureau of Homeland Security.Part-time jobs in this field are highly unusual. Most positions are full-time and often include overtime.According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, special agents will experience slower than average job growth through 2024. Job prospects, however, wil l be better for applicantswith bachelors degrees, and military and investigative experience. Those who speak more than one language will also have an advantage. Roles and Responsibilities Examine records, collect physical and documentary evidence, and establish contacts with law enforcement personnel and the publicConduct interviews or interrogations of complainants, victims, witnesses, and subjectAssessoriginal in-depth investigations for weaknesses and/or areas needing further attentionPrepareappropriate administrative and investigative reports and formsPrepare written statements/affidavits from suspects, victims, and witnesses to crimes or relevant mattersGivetestimony in courts of law pertaining to investigations regarding evidence obtained, as necessary The Truth About Being a Special Agent Since their services are needed at all hours of the day and night, special agents may be scheduled to work at any time. Those with more experience usually get to work the most desi rable hours, so if you are just starting out, expect to be scheduled nights, weekends, and holidays. Working in this field is, of course, dangerous. There is a high risk of injury since special agents can be wounded by suspects or receive injuries during high-speed car chases. Following proper procedures can help lessen the chances of something going wrong. This is also an emotionally and physically stressful job. One never knows what will come up during his or her shift and must be ready to deal with all types of situations. Education and Training Before becoming a special agent, one usually gets experience working as a police officer. A high school diploma is the extremum requirement for anyone who wants to begin a career in law enforcement, but many local and state agencies also require some college coursework or even a degree. Typically one must be at least 21 years old, pass a test for physical fitness, and undergo a background check and a polygraph (lie detector). Local la w enforcement agencies put all recruits through a police academy. Large agencies have their own training facilities, but smaller ones, for example, a police department in a small town, may send their recruits off to be trained in a regional academy. Upon graduation, one begins his or her on-the-job training. If you want to become an FBI agent, you must get a bachelors degree. You will also need at least three years of work experience. Please see the FBI website for more information. What Soft Skills Do You Need? What does it take to be a special agent? Certain personal qualities, commonly referred to as soft skills, will help you succeed in this occupation. Organizationaland Time Management Skills unterstellung skills will help you complete the mountains of paperwork that will be a regular part of your job.Problem Solving You must be able to quickly solve, in the best way possible, whatever problems come up.Interpersonal SkillsThis set of skills will help you interact with suspe cts, victims, and colleagues. You must be perceptive and empathetic to understand others perspectives and anticipate their actions. What Will Employers Expect From You? Here are some requirements from actual job announcements Be able to effectively testify in courtAbility to perform physical labor and withstand physical exertionRemain calm under heavy duressMental and physical fitnessMust possess a valid automobile drivers license at the time of appointment Is This Occupation a Good Fit for You? Holland Code EIC (Enterprising, Investigative, Conventional)MBTI PersonalityTypes ENTP, ISTJ, ESTP, ISTP Related Occupations DescriptionMedian Annual Wage (2014)Minimum Required Education/TrainingIntelligence AnalystGathers and analyzes evidence to prevent organized crime activities$78,120Bachelors DegreeFish and Game WardenPrevents violations of fish and game laws$51,730Bachelors DegreeFire InvestigatorGathers and analyzes evidence from fires to determine their caus es$58,440Previous experience as a firefighterRetail Loss Prevention SpecialistDevelops procedures to help prevent inventory loss in retail establishments$28,720HS or Equivalency Diploma SourcesBureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor,Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17(visited September 18, 2017).Employment and Training Administration, US Department of Labor,O*NET Online(visited September 18, 2017).

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Techniques for Good Skills to List on a Resume Only the Pros Know About

Techniques for Good Skills to List on a Resume Only the Pros Know About The History of Good Skills to List on a Resume Refuted Even when you arent actively searching for employment, your resume is a significant bit of your digital portfolio. Engineering CVs have quite straightforward format. If you arent really acquainted with a software and its required by means of a work description, be honest and say how much experience youve got. Therefore, if you come to an interview, the deficiency of Soft Skills may be one reason you werent chosen for the job. Hard skills can be classified in various ways, based on your job title. They tend to be mora technical, and each industry or type of job will usually have its own required set. Hiring managers appreciate using bullet points since it makes it a lot easier to read through your list of qualifications. Its also wise to prove your capacity to collaborate with teams. Your skills section stipulates a window into how much capability y ou are able to bring to the organization. Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four important skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. You must keep your resume short and sweet, but still consist of enough high quality information to generate an impression. Review their About Us page and see whether your soft abilities or attributes are aligned with the firms core values. Utilizing an online resume builder is a powerful means of quickly producing professional-looking resumes that you can tailor for each application. Just like HTML, look at including notations for software you have certifications or particular expertise in. You saw above how to select the most suitable collection of hard abilities vs soft skills. In addition, its not more or less writing about the skills. Some skills could be relevant while others arent. Obviously, certain skills can assist you almost in any position. Dont forget, the majority of the distinctiv e skills that you place on your resume ought to be job-related skills taken from the work description and your best transferable skills. Make certain that you have ready a minumum of one example for a time you demonstrated skills from every category listed here. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. The list youre likely to be reading now is whats sought for mostly when it has to do with the abilities and abilities for a resume. Look through the work description and see whether any soft skills are mentioned. They are a bit more vague and open to interpretation. In the majority of cases, your soft skills can boost your hard skills. More technical or computer-centric hard skills are occasionally also called technical skills. Based on whichever job youre applying for, you might note down your abilities to keep up a fantastic relationship with your employees or customers at each degree of the business. E ven though you may incorporate a dedicated section to highlight certain abilities, a possible employer ought to be in a position to see what you could do by looking at what youve already done. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the possible employer if you were offered the work at this time. Teamwork skills in the workplace are vital for the greater part of jobs. The Debate Over Good Skills to List on a Resume Of course, you might ask if a new resume for each new position is demanded. So at the right time of recruiting they also check if youre goal oriented. No matter where you include your skills section on your resume, you can be certain that the hiring manager will find it and definitely likely to ask about doing it. Just dont forget to double-check whether adding social media to your particular resume is right for the job Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which you are able to learn. Analytical sk ills are the ability to collect information, visualize and solve complex and simple troubles with the information available. In addition to the practical demand for developers in virtually every company, programming skills demonstrate advanced problem solving skills that could give rise to a well-rounded professional. Each interpersonal skill ought to be demonstrated by utilizing evidence.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Pros Cons of Being Your Own Boss

The Pros Cons of Being Your Own Boss The Pros Cons of Being Your Own BossPosted September 4, 2019, by JennyDo you hate being pushed around? Would you rather run the show than be a lackey for some hotshot? Do you think outside the square? Maybe youre just a daredevil and like taking (calculated) risks. If youre the sort of person whos always coming up with new and exciting ideas and revel in making them happen, youre just the type to be your own boss. Youve probably been honing your entrepreneurial skills since you were selling cookies in the school playground for five cents apiece. But now its time to turn professional.Being your own boss isnt just about picking and choosing your working hours, taking long lunch breaks and getting on a power trip. Being a boss and working for yourself is about taking your idea and turning it into a reality, taking well-thought-out risks and breaking the geschftlicher umgang mould.Being a geschftlicher umgang owner, working for yourself, starting yo ur own business,being your own boss - however you put it, it can all sound pretty cool in theory (and it can be pretty cool), but what about the practicalities. Is it really all its cracked up to be? Are you considering taking a leap of faith and going into business on your own? Get your pen and pad ready cos were about to dive into the perks and downers of being your own boss.ProsIndependence - no one asking when youre coming or going, monitoring what time you clock off or double-checking your workFeeling of self-worth - you had an idea and you turned it into a reality. Youre out there making a real difference and doing what you want to do. Go youDefine your lifestyle - you want to walk with the kids to school every morning, catch up with your mates for a long lunch, catch that 10 am yoga class you always have to miss out on. Guess what? You can do what you want when you want. Create a work schedule and lifestyle that makes you happy.Creative freedom - that manager that always shut down your ideas is no more, this is your time to shine. Feel inspired and get creative. From putting together a name and logo to marketing tactics and more, the creative floor is yours to take.Hire the team you want - choose the people you want to work with and create a workplace culture that you always wanted to be parte ofUltimate control - you are the boss, the business owner, numero uno. The final say lies with you and ultimately, what you say goesConsLong hours - yes you can choose your hours, but how long are those hours going to be. You need to work work work until the work is done. If you want success youre going to have to put in the hours to make it happen.Sleepless nights - Did you submit the right paperwork to the account? Will your product/service be a hit once it goes to market? Will your big investment pay off? So many questions thatll flood your might and riddle with your sleep.It can get lonely - When starting out your own business its likely youll be flying solo f or a little while or it might even stay that way, so yes, not having that afternoon tea break with your favourite colleague or the big Christmas party could make you feel like youre missing out and get a little lonely.Cash flow concerns - One of the most comforting things about working for someone else is knowing where your next paycheque is coming from. When having your own business you cant be so sure, especially in the early days when youre just starting to find your feet. So before going out on your own ensure you have some savings that can get you by before the cash comes in.You have to control your ich - Remember that thing we said about you having ultimate control? Yeh, well that can work for you and against you. Its important to not get ahead of yourself and let your ego get so big that its actually a hindrance for your business.Many budding entrepreneurs face the same issues when first starting out. While the great idea is bursting to be realised, the challenges of securing your cash flow and building a customer or client base affect all who take the plunge and choose to run their own business. Needless to say, this can cause a fair bit of stressWeighed up your options and ready to take the plunge? See what it takes to start your own business and be your own boss with our ultimate how-to guide.Small Business ResourcesSenior business analyst sample resumeSenior business analyst sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesFabiola Gomez - Founder & CEO of LUXitTara Bennett - Designer & Director of the Provider StoreDaniella Boutros - Principal Cake Designer, ButterCreme LaneDonna Rendell - Director & Founder of Star Allergy AlertsKat Hocking - Chemical Engineer, Melbourne WaterInterested in becoming a?General ManagerBusiness ManagerManaging DirectorOperations ManagerEngineering TechnologistPopular Career Searchesnew york resume templatesick leave letter to bosshow to write your first resumehow to ace your next interviewguide to ace your next interviewSmall Business CoursesBachelor of BusinessEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate IV in New Small BusinessEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Applied Business (Management Major)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Applied Business (Marketing)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineJennyRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCareer changePERSONAL DEVELOPMENT5 Things To Consider Before Starting Your Own Small BusinessIf youve ever wondered why so many small businesses fail, and how you can prevent your new small business from following the same path. Weve got the answers right here.BusinessEntrepreneurshipHow To Write A Business PlanA great business plan could be the key to turning your entrepreneurial dreams into real business success. Heres how to write a plan to help you secure funding, get clear on your vision, guide your business journey and evaluate opportunitiesIntroducing Open Training InstituteCareer FAQs is pleased to welcome Open Training Institute as the newest member of our distance educati on family. Get awesome at something that matters

Thursday, November 28, 2019

An Objective look at Objectives

An Objective look at ObjectivesAn Objective look at ObjectivesAn Objective look at ObjectivesAlternatives like Job Goal, Career Summary, and Executive Summary all pop up, but theres no piece of a resume that inspires heated debate like the Objective. Heated supporters on the one hand, loud dismissal on the other. No two hiring managers seem to agree, so how do you know if you should use one?Objectively BadWhen your resume space is limited, adding an objective eats into that. If your career progression and titles speak for themselves, an objective is redundant and takes space away you could use on your achievements and accomplishments.Using an objective thats too specific can block you from other positions you might be suitable for, and signal a lack of flexibility. A bad objective is worse than no objective at all Filler and buzzwords make you seem out of touch. With hiring managers scanning a resume in under 10 seconds, do you want to waste that time on fluffy filler text?Objectivel y GoodIncluding an objective gives employers a clear picture of your goals and skills. Some hiring managers might not see the full job posting and an objective makes it clear which position youre aiming for.Career changers or recent graduates can use an objective to show their enthusiasm for the new direction, as well as highlight their relevant skills. This could be put in a cover letter, of course.Another advantage is that as more employers use ATS to scan resumes for keywords, you can position the important ones right in the objective.If you choose to use an objective, make sure to focus on what you can do for your employer, not what you want from them. Be specific, clear, and brief leave out the buzzwords and keep it under 15 words maximum.Putting it togetherYour objective (if you use one) should ONLY contain three thingsThe title (if known)The area of workSkills, specialization, and experienceGOOD Graphic Designer with 10 years of experience specializing in UXBAD Looking for a challenging but rewarding position using my extensive skills as a Graphic DesignerObjectives can hurt you as well as help you remember that they are optional. If you prefer to leave it to a professional, use azugreifbar resume writing service. They know whether or not you need an objective and how to tailor your whole history to the role you want.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Secrets Recruiters Wont Tell You (But Really Want To)

The Secrets Recruiters Wont Tell You (But Really Want To)The Secrets Recruiters Wont Tell You (But Really Want To) Recruiters may seem intimidating, but they genuinely want the best for both candidates and the company. Good recruiters want you to have the best experience possibleduring the application and bewerberinterview process - but even though they want the best for you, there are some things that they just cant share.Salary bands, candidate competition, internal HR tactics - lets just call them trade secrets. They are the confidential information that, unfortunately, recruiters cannot divulge.To get to the truth, we reached out to Omer Molad, CEO/Founder of Vervoe , a recruiting company that replaces face-to-face interviews with online simulations for small and medium-sized businesses. Molad built his business on the premise that hiring is painful, and he has unique insight into the frustrations and insights of recruiters.Here are a few of the secrets that Molad says recruiters wont tell you, but really want to.Salary negotiations are like a game of poker - both job seekers and recruiters are trying to maintain control and win the hand. Very few (if any) recruiters will be so bold as to say we took advantage of you and we dont value you highly, says Molad. In fact, there is often a salary band or range that recruiters have for each role. Their initial salary offer is very rarely at the top of theirsalary band, so base pay - as well as benefits like vacation days, work hours, etc. - can usually be negotiated.Its smart to include keywords in your resume and to come off as knowledgeable about your particular industry. However, dont try to look smarter than you really are, says Molad unabashedly. Authenticity is key. Recruiters and employers want your partality to shine - not your ability to throw out words and phrases like synergy, move the needle, ROI,feed the funnel, etc.Its not about specific questions or answers that stand out , but rather the candidates who display a great deal of passion about what they do that really stand above the rest, says employer Academy Sports + Outdoors .Your mother was right first impressions are everything. And according to Molad, few recruiters can get past a bad first impression. Unreturned phone calls, poor manners and clumsy interviews will all hurt your chances of moving on to the next round. Hiring managers and recruiters will bite their tongues, fighting back the desire to say, We just dont like you, says Molad. However, take it from us You must really dazzle if youd like to make up for a rocky first impression.Interviewers often care more about the likability of entry-level candidates than whether or not theyre actually qualified for the job, says career coach Peter Yang. This is because the person interviewing you will often also be your future boss and mentor, so it makes perfect sense that they would want to hire someone whom they personally like and want to w ork with. A strong interview performance means establishing a strong connection with your interviewer. Try to show off your personality instead of just answering questions robotically. You can even get a bit personal if youd like to.If a recruiter or hiring manager had doubts about you, they wont let you know if unflattering references just confirmed their doubts, Molad says. Your references should talk about your strengths in specific situations - not just basic information, adds HR expert Jordan Perez. References should be ready to provide examples of actual projects where you exceeded expectations. Your reference should easily cite one or two situations that highlight your strengths.Bad references can ruin your candidacy as much as good ones can strengthen it, says Sam Keefe, Digital Marketing Manager at AVID Technical Resources. Her advice to ensure that only the good shines through? Give only references who will say positive things about you. Work hard to build good workin g relationships with coworkers and bosses.Backdoor references, or back-channeling, is one of the sneaky ways hiring managers and recruiters gather more information about you - it refers to when employersreach out to mutual connections in order to get their honest opinion of you.This phenomenon is even more prevalent in the last five years or so because of LinkedIns growing popularity, says Keefe. Even if you choose not to give anybody there as a reference, backdoor references can reveal the skeletons in your closet. Backdoor references can be especially common when youre looking for a job in sectors like tech.Unfortunately, its perfectly legal to advertise a job that is almost certain to be filled by an insider. In fact, some research has shown that internal hires generally perform better than external ones. However, phantom jobs can be downright annoying when youre looking for a new position. Even though federal labor rules dont require employers to post openings, many HR depart ments require roles to be listed on a job board for some period of time to ensure a fair hiring process. Therefore, Molad says, dont expect recruiters to come right out and say, It was a beauty parade to show management we ran a process, but it was a sham and you were never really considered.Instead, shake it off and get back on the horse - there are plenty of opportunities out there , and the job that fits your life is just a few clicks away.Roughly 80 percent of recruiters and hiring managers use social media to look for and vet job candidates, making it extremely important to have a professional presence on the Internet.Hiring managers are reviewing social media pages to become educated about the background and brand the person is articulating and to look for red flags, says Alan Weatherbee, senior vice president of talent search for Allison+Partners . They arent using it to find ways not to hire someone who is qualified, but to make sure they present themselves in an accura te way.According to employment experts, you should make sure that your social media pages, whether its LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, mesh with what youre saying on your resume, cover letter and other application materials. After all, no one is going to hire someone who claims to be a head of marketing in their resume while their Facebook page is full of complaints about their job answering phones at an advertising company.Janet Elkin, Chief Executive of workplace staffing company Supplemental Healthcare , says you want to make sure your social media pages are void of any political comments, inflammatory messages or anything else that might offend the person who might just hold your future in their hands.Even the most direct recruiters and hiring managers will hesitate to tell you that youre Plan B, says Molad. So if an employer seems to be dragging its feet or delaying in giving you the green light to proceed - or the red light that youre not right for the role - chan ces are they have another candidate in the pipeline.Dont take it too personally - being a runner-up isnt a horrible thing. Often times, other candidates fall out of the running because of personal circumstances or other job offers . Being number two still means you are in contention. If you feel like a recruiter is slowing your process down in order to accommodate a preferred candidate, use it as a challenge to convince the recruiter of your awesomeness and your true fit for the role.No matter what, remember that the secrets recruiters keep are withheld with the business in mind, not because they are trying to be malicious. If you are faced with any of these, the right opportunity probably just hasnt come your way yet. Dont be afraid to be upfront with a recruiter and communicate both your concerns and your goals.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Less Common Signs You Have a Bad Manager - The Muse

Less Common Signs You Have a Bad Manager - The MuseLess Common Signs You Have a Bad Manager Its pretty obvious when you have a horrible boss. From the verbal abuse to the micromanaging to the refusal to respect your time, it doesnt take a genius to recognize when your manager is the sole cause of your misery.But sometimes, the signs arent so obvious. Especially when the person you report to is likable, perfectly pleasant, and competent. But those traits dont mean jack if, actually, your boss isnt a good boss. In fact, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but its entirely possible that what you have on your hands is a bad manager, and its high time you face it, unless you dont give a fig about your career.These five signs might surprise you, but stop for a second and think about the damage theyre causing (think stunted career and lack of advancement). While it might be nice to work under someone you get along with, thats far from the only thing you should value in this relationship.1 . They Never Offer Critical FeedbackTheres always plenty of praise. Your supervisor knows how to say thank you and lets you know youre doing good work, but they dont know how to give you constructive feedback, which can ultimately help you produce better work and grow you into a leader yourself. What to DoAsk for feedback. Say, I appreciate hearing what Im doing well, but Im always looking to improve, and so itd be useful to me if you were able to start incorporating critical feedback into our meetings so I know what to focus on.2. They Dont Recognize Your PotentialYou may be OK with the way things are going at work. You wouldnt exactly say youre coasting- you just know how to do your job really well. After all, youve been doing the same thing for the past two and a half years. Youve been given mora tasks, and you always handle them with aplomb. Dont mistake this with growth or realized potential. If its true that youve been handling the same items since you started (even if your to -do list has steadily increased), you may be stuck in a rut, your mental muscles atrophying. What to DoArticulate your desire to expand your skill set and take on more responsibility that goes beyond simply taking on more of what you already do. If your request goes unheard and nothing changes, it might be time to look for a new job, one where you can make the most of your abilities and rise through the ranks like you deserve. 3. They Have No Idea How Hard Youre WorkingYour manager sees you in the office and assumes your hours are more or less similar to theirs. The reality, however, is that youre doing a couple of hours of work each night and many more over the weekend. Your vacations are not unplugged. Nope, youre answering to clients and putting in an hour of work during your morning commute. If you did the math, youd estimate youre working about 65 hours a week. You like the work, so its not the worst thing ever, but its stressful and exhausting. What to DoAdmitting youre feelin g overworked and overwhelmed isnt fun, but its necessary if, all things considered, youre happy doing what youre doing, but you just cant sustain the pace. Muse writer Jennifer Winter offers three options for broaching this tough topic.4. They Play Favorites (and Youre the Favorite)Its nice to be the teachers pet, isnt it? Who doesnt want to be appreciated by the person in dienstgrad of their paycheck? Step back though and try to put yourself in others shoes and ask yourself how it would feel to have your manager favor your co-worker and regularly snub you. Being best buddies might feel good in the moment, but its inappropriate and unprofessional, and it isnt teaching you a darn thing.What to DoSince you probably dont want to call him out for this behavior, you can try to work around it. Praise your co-workers efforts and regularly point out the teamwork involved in completing projects. This might as well be called advanced managing up. Your goal is not to get him to start ignoring you, but to envelop the whole team5. They Prioritize the Team Over the CompanyYour managers super territorial and cares about each and every person on their team like youre all their own children. The work your group is responsible for is the number one priority, and, as a result, they often reject cross-collaboration opportunities with other teams or refuse to modify their way of thinking and doing to better work as a whole company and not just a small part of it.What to DoThe next time you get wind of a project that would allow you to work with another department, speak up before they have a gunst der stunde to pass it onto someone else. Let them know you recognize your priorities within the team but that youre also quite interested in this new initiative and think it would ultimately benefit the company if you were able to spend time on things that speak to the organizations overall mission.The good news is that most of these situations can be resolved with a frank conversation. Considering the nightmarish work situations out there, these arent so awful. Still, you dont want to be deceived by seemingly harmless things that could negatively impact your career. And the sooner you take action, the sooner you can get ahead.