Friday, December 27, 2019

Adding the #8216;Human Touch#8217; to Your Job Search

Adding the 8216Human Touch8217 to Your Job Search Adding the 8216Human Touch8217 to Your Job Search Your whole career path will be full of emotions that run the gamut from celebratory toan almost grievous sense of loss. While you may have a support group in the form of family and friends, these well-meaning loved ones may not necessarily understand what it is like to be in your shoes, nor do they have the acumen to point you in the right direction.A Career MachineThe Internet is full of information about careers, and this information isbeneficial to a certain degree, butmuch of it is not in touch with the human side of working and career development. Instead, this self-serve content is essentially pre-packaged, and itcaters to a generic audience. It is not personalized in any way thatactually reflects your individual needs, skill platzset, and career aspirations.This one-size-fits-all career advicemay be useful incertain situations, but when you are in the midst of the roller coast er of emotions that comes withcareer transitions and job searches, you really could use something more. You need to be supported by a professional.The Hard and Soft ApproachAcareer expert, like a career advisor, can offer that human-touch experience you need in these times. A career advisor can helpyou weather the storms of your career, condition you to go the distance, and is there to toast your success when it all works out.A career advisor can deliver the hard and soft approach, based on what each individual needs and what will best serve their career goals. They act almost like sports coaches, deliveringguidance through theright doses of listening and sympathy, encouragement and tough love, and objective advice and actionable tasks.A career advisor knows that each person has a different set of strengths and weaknesses that require a unique strategy plus, they have often worked with a range of personalities and seen a variety of career experiences, so they know how to make each personfeel like they are understood and accepted.The Benefits of a Human ConnectionThis personalized approach is especially reassuring if you are second-guessing yourself or if you lackthe confidence you need after facing some career hardship, like being unemployed for a period of time.Personal assistance from a career advisormay also help you feel as though you are accomplishing more. In a search that previously felt one-sided, you now have a guide you now have a listening ear, a supportive shoulder, and whole body and mind to help you get to the most appropriate destination youre seeking.A career coach will certainly offer understanding and emotional support when a client is nervous about a job interview or apprehensive about changing career paths, but this coach is also there to help you buck-up, and will be firm and offer constructive criticism when it is necessary.In order to best serve your needs and provide the human connection that helps smooth the bumps in yourcareer road, a career coach should takethe time to get to know you as a person.Its about building a relationship, really, and taking the journey with you thats what often sets a career coach apartfrom any other source of career assistance.In fact, a career coach can often do muchmore than just sit next to you on that rollercoaster and figuratively hold your hand a career coach gets you off the emotional ride and helps you gainstrategic focus, showing you where you need to go and what you need to do in order to achieve your career goals.What You Want in a Career CoachIf youre looking for a career coach, you want someone who understands you personally and who is passionate about helping you succeed. You want to havesomeone on board who understands not only the emotions involved inyour career journey, but also the practical objective steps you need to take to reach your goals.Your perfect career coach shouldget you even more than you getyourself.While the Internet offers detached, often pre-packa ged advice, and your friends and family feel for you, it is acareer coach that can feel for you, offer truly personal advice, and give you a kick in the pants when you need it most.

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